"The Willys Jeep Rally" "The true positive evolution of a show and swap meet that YOU asked for!"

The Midwest Willys JEEP Reunion, Inc. is a duly licensed non-profit corporation in the State of Ohio. Our Articles of Incorporation are public record with the Secretary of State of Ohio. It is a legally established entity. Our core group began managing the Mason, Ohio King's Island Resort Reunion in 2009, the show split in 2013 as a result of 2 different philosophies on how an event is managed properly.  We wish the other group the best of luck with their event and we will continue to strive to carry on our own event to the high standards that were set in 2009 to 2025 and beyond .


Fat Boys Jeepers have signed on to provide help with labor and support.

Muddy Buddys have pledged to help also.

Miami Valley Fourwheelers will be also be a sponsor/supporter.


This Event and organization was founded for the sole purpose of preserving and promoting the legacy of Willys Jeep Products and for the continued life of this event without fail. The show producers will strive to provide an event that is both entertaining and informative.


Registration: Bill & Barb Marshal, email -- registration.thewillysjeeprally@outlook.com

General Information: Mike Mee 513-649-4273 mikem4x4@gmail.com    /  Rick Riley 513-423-8724 -- rickieriley@att.net

Webmaster & Facebook Adm.: John Glancy -- suprscout@aol.com

Webhost: Jeff Bade -- http://www.collidingstar.com/ -- jbade@collidingstar.com